Thursday, 22 September 2011

London based F Animator WLTM fellow Animators with GSOH..

Being an animator is always an up-and-down temperamental job, especially at the moment! So whilst I'm in-between work I'm trying to keep myself motived by doing odd bits and bobs here and there, but it can get a bit lonely. I thought on here might be a good place to say.. if anyone fancies collaborating on a project or just needs an extra pair of hands on anything let me know. It's always more fun to work with other people than working on your own. And making new friends is always a nice thing.

I'll even buy you a milkshake.

Here's my showreel just in case you want to see what kinda work I do.


  1. beautifull!!!1
    I love animation...i´d really like to take a milk shake with you but....we are little far away....aniway...congratulations...very nice work!!!

  2. Ah thanks Yeal! Well if you do come over let me know and we can have as many milkshakes as you like :)

  3. I see you're working on a few things again, but when you are looking for collabs again, give a shout. I'm in the London area :]
