On Thursday night the candle-lit cellar of Jaguar Shoes Bar played host to the first private screening of new animated short film “Being Bradford Dillman”. The film combines cut-out stop motion characters composited into a model world. “Being Bradford Dillman” was written by Emma Burch & Pete Williamson, Animated by Daniella Orsini and Directed and Produced by Emma Burch.
Little blue headphone lights began to glow, the film was about to begin…
Photo Copyright Mark R Bennett - Silent Disco UK
The night was sponsored by Silent Disco UK, who provided wireless headphones for everyone to wear during the screening. Throughout the night the film was repeated every half an hour, which was lucky because it was so packed that not everybody could fit in to see it first time round! It received a fantastic response with laughter and sad faces in the appropriate places, which is always a relief.
Spot lit and waiting patiently on the wall were framed original Molly and Bradford puppets, which were used in the animation. These were on display for people to look at and fall in love with before they would be auctioned off to raise money for Barnardo’s Charity.
Photo Copyright Sarah Doody - Space of Mind
With the frames starting prices at £30, the room was turning electric as the bids kept getting higher and higher and began reaching prices of £450 each. Frank Doody was the auctioneer and after whipping everyone up into a frenzy we raised over £2000!
Photo Copyright Mark R Bennett - Silent Disco UK
Overall it was a great night and hopefully there will be more screenings of “Being Bradford Dillman” to come!
"Hello You Creatives" have been kind enough to post this write up on their very addictive blog. It's definitely worth a look!
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